20 years ago, it would have been unlikely or even unheard of to work from home on a regular basis; today, it is more and more common. With improvements in online collaboration platforms and digital technologies and more people working as freelancers, we have seen an enormous rise in theContinue Reading

The world is changing, and with it our workplaces. The last few years have seen huge leaps forward in terms of office and corporate culture, including equal pay for women, increased diversity and inclusion and a move to more flexible working patterns.Continue Reading

Making sure that your workplace is safe is something that every employer is legally required to do. Workplaces vary depending on what they do, so there are lots of different safety concerns that you may need to address, but something that every workplace will have in common is the useContinue Reading

When it comes to timeless, versatile knitwear, few items match the iconic charm of a women’s Irish Aran jumper. These beautifully crafted pieces offer not only warmth and comfort but also a touch of Irish heritage to your wardrobe. If you’re wondering how to style this classic garment, look noContinue Reading

More and more people choose to work at home. It’s easier than ever for people to work remotely, as most of the work is done online. You can work from anywhere you have an internet connection. It opens up new opportunities for businesses to organise themselves and structure their business,Continue Reading

We’ve also tried to find ways to reduce the chores in our lives. Tasks that involve domestic drudgery can be frustrating and time consuming. One of the worst of these is having to do the washing up. You;ve cooked a nice big meal for family and friends and now you’reContinue Reading

Perfect Present Ideas for an Autumn-Born

Autumn-born people have distinct personalities that often require special attention when selecting presents. They tend to be creative and innovative thinkers who appreciate thoughtful gifts with an intimate touch, not just expensive presents bought for the sake of it. Therefore, it is important to choose something that speaks directly toContinue Reading

Picking where to live is a major consideration. Everyone wants a place to relax, feel secure and comfortable. From the number of restaurants and grocery stores to whether or not you’ll have a bus stop nearby, neighbourhood factors can make all the difference in your satisfaction with a home orContinue Reading