From personal experience, we know that people’s attention spans are usually quite short. It is not effective to talk at people for long periods. You might try a new format for your conference if you want it to be appreciated and engaging. Live interaction is the key, but how do you incorporate it into your event? You could also try these ideas:
- Body Voting
You have a question you want to ask your audience? Use body voting to get your attendees moving. For example, one side of the room can be 0% and the other 100%. The participants must position themselves in the area where they believe the answer is. Then, those who placed themselves at opposite ends were asked to explain why they did so. If you need Meeting Rooms Exeter for your event, consider
- Fishbowl
The fishbowl method is ideal if your event space only has chairs. This method works best for groups of 40 or less people. Place four chairs in the middle of the room. Three of them must be occupied, while one is always empty. Select a topic for discussion that only those in the 3 chairs can speak on. Anyone in the audience may fill an empty chair at any time and speak.
- Debating Contest
As in the House of Commons: divide the room into two halves and select a debate topic. One side will argue against the other, while the other side will argue for. Anybody can switch sides at any time. Persuasion is the best way to persuade an audience.
- The Pitch
The person running the event creates a topic to discuss, such as: How can we increase our business? The facilitator will form small groups and give them a time limit to come up with creative solutions. The facilitator will decide who wins the competition.