From personal experience, we know that people’s attention spans are usually quite short. It is not effective to talk at people for long periods. You might try a new format for your conference if you want it to be appreciated and engaging. Live interaction is the key, but how doContinue Reading

Why is CMMC compliance important

The dense, layered requirements and ambiguous guidelines can leave even the most seasoned IT professionals scratching their heads. This is where CMMC consultants step in, helping organizations untangle the complexities of compliance and transform confusing regulations into actionable steps. Their expertise ensures that businesses can not only meet the requirementsContinue Reading

More than just choosing some colours and getting the name and logo right, defining a brand is expressing what a business stands for, so it’s clearly important. However, defining a brand is difficult for precisely that reason – it’s so important that it can be hard to get to theContinue Reading