Football is the most participated sport in the world and requires the individual to have a wide range of technical, psychological and athletic skills. The simplicity of the game makes it accessible to anyone and it is enjoyed by men and women of all ages and abilities.Continue Reading

For dressmakers and designers, visiting a fabric store can be a quasi-religious experience. The sight of shelf-upon-shelf of multi-coloured, multi-textured fabrics awaiting transformation into gorgeous garments and soft furnishings is one of the most exciting aspects of their professional lives. But the availability of so vast an array of materialsContinue Reading

We all have clothes that we love and want to wear often. However, if washed incorrectly, wool can shrink, so our favourite jumpers often end up tucked away at the back of the wardrobe. Here are some tips for hand and machine washing to prevent a needless wardrobe malfunction.Continue Reading