Recommendations to Avoid Depression, Anxiety or Stress

What is Depression or Anxiety Attack

The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress are general adaptation syndrome, also called the dark evil of our century, although in ancient times there was the talk of melancholy, a term still used today. The depression can be caused by bilógicos factors, environmental or both. Many depressive conditions are attributed to the tension of the environment, such as suffering serious disappointment, going through an economic crisis, living in a place where you do not want to be, feeling bad in a job you do not like, suffering the loss of a being Dear. A common type is a postpartum depression, caused by pregnancy.

The depression in its most benign form, it may not be recognized by the closest relatives and friends, since some of the symptoms can be confused with other diseases. For example, I can not sleep, I’m not hungry and I do not feel like it, it can be taken as passing evils.

Symptoms of Depression or Anxiety

Among the more defined symptoms are:

  • The feeling of sadness
  • Loss of appetite (or overeating)
  • Unsettled sleep, sudden insomnia
  • Disinterest in activities that previously caused pleasure
  • Lack of focus on everyday things
  • Crying crisis
  • Feelings of guilt and at worst, suicidal thoughts.

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Image Source: Google

How To Get Out Of A Depression Or Anxiety Attack

Here are some recommendations are named to avoid depression:

  • Be positive: If we are aware of our mood, we try to help ourselves and not reject others seeing them as beings meddlers in our lives; Let us think that what they want is to help us out of the depressive state in which we find ourselves; But if we persist in this, do not hesitate to consult with the doctor before the situation becomes critical. The decision to help yourself is the key to feeling better.
  • Do something constructive: Depression is nourished by inertia and action is its natural enemy. The less you do, the less you will want to do. Action often must precede motivation, which means that one does not have to wait to start acting, for as long as one is depressed, one may never decide. You have to find a distraction: go for a walk, visit friends, read a good book, watch a nice movie, find someone to talk to, do some manual work, get distracted by a hobby, and so on.
  • Help someone: Make volunteer work helps the parish among others. Isolating yourself from dealing with people, is a major cause of depression, human contact becomes healing medicine. And, of course, rely on God’s help.
  • Be optimistic: Forgetting as quickly as possible any negative idea, because the more time passes, the more they grow in the minds shaping of new accusations and recriminations you have to look at the pleasant side of things. Smile, stop sighing and complaining.
  • Exercise regularly: Activities such as brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, tennis, invigorate and improve the welfare situation. On the other hand, to the extent that they help us relax, these activities can lessen the tension and anguish inherent in depression. Mental tension is reflected in the muscles, often causing pains that we sometimes attribute to other causes. These simple exercises will help you relax:

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Tips for Improving Symptoms of Depression

  • The self-massage; Put your hands together and put them behind your neck, you start rubbing firmly from below, up and without separating the tips of the fingers.
  • The entire base of the neck should be kneaded well with the tips of the fingers. Then join hands, pressing with the base of these on each side of the neck. It is pressed and released, as the hands move, up or down.
  • The arms are stretched upwards, to relax tensions. They grab their hands at the nape of the neck and join their elbows in front of the chin and go down. The tension is maintained. He loosens his hands.
  • The hands are linked at the nape of the neck and pressed gently,
  • Forward with both hands, to feel tight neck muscles. The procedure is loosened and repeated several times.