Winter is a time when we want to bring some colour into the dark, often dreary weather and the short days and long nights. Flowers are something that can help with that, and over the festive season many people turn to a professional like a florist or Wholesale Plants company for help to create a festive flower display. Visit
It is possible to have beautiful flowers in the house, shop or office at Christmas and all through winter. Many beautiful plants can brighten those dull winter days, and bring some colour to your garden or indoor space. Here are some of them:
Hellebores are also known as Christmas Roses because they bloom during the Christmas season and well into January. They are not roses, but a member of the buttercup family. There are many different colours available for hellebores. Some are more hardy than others, and some flower at a different time. Make sure you research the varieties to find one that suits your garden. There are so many different types that you will be able find one that is perfect for you.
Winter Pansies – These cheerful little blooms make a great bedding plant. They also look good in a hanging pot or basket. Winter pansies are perfect for brightening your garden during the winter. They are also a great choice to add some colour at a time when not many plants are in bloom. Winter pansies are in bloom from November through March, so they’re a great way to brighten up your garden in the winter and welcome in the spring in the new year.
Daphne- These beautiful shrubs are loved for two reasons: they bloom in winter and they have a strong fragrance. They are also low-maintenance, making them a good choice for beginners. Plant them close to your front door or along paths so you can enjoy their scent and beauty throughout the winter.
Winter Flowering Clematis – Clematis have always been popular plants, thanks to their beautiful blooms. Winter flowering varieties are in bloom between November and March. The clematis comes in a variety of colours, including the red balearica flowers, the cream coloured clematis and many more. They look stunning when they are climbing up a fence, trellis or front door.