Electrical Safety at Work

Making sure that your workplace is safe is something that every employer is legally required to do. Workplaces vary depending on what they do, so there are lots of different safety concerns that you may need to address, but something that every workplace will have in common is the use of electricals.

Whatever you do, you will need to use electricity at some point when you are at work, so making sure that you are aware of the right things to do to ensure electrical safety is essential. Here are some things to be aware of to keep the workplace safe…

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Don’t Overload Sockets – Firstly you need to ensure that when you are plugging things in you have enough sockets and you are not running multiple things off one socket. When you do this, especially with high powered electricals there is a risk of it overheating and causing a fire.

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Don’t Be Tempted by Cheap Electricals – Although some electrical products may seem like a bargain, it is not worth running the risk. Often, these have not met the correct safety requirements and you always need to check that the items that you are buying have done so.

Make Sure that Everyone is Aware of Fire Safety – Fire safety training in the workplace helps you to protect people from fire and also ensures that people know what to do in the vent of a fire. Get a professional like this fire risk assessment Gloucester based company https://apmfireandsecurity.com/fire-risk-assessment/gloucester/ to do a risk assessment.

Get your Electrics Checked Regularly – All electrical equipment that is used in the workplace needs to be checked regularly by a professional to ensure that it is safe.