Learning Facts About Common Anxiety Types

Anxiety makes it quite unnerving and challenging to live for those who suffer from this common psychiatric condition. Though there are numerous ways to cope up with anxiety disorders, there is just a small percentage of anxiety victims who receive its treatment.

Basically, anxiety disorders refer to excessive worry and fear. Worrying about something isn’t a bad thing as this makes you countercheck necessary details that can lead to some sort of loss if left unconfirmed. However, when it turns out to be an obsession, it is actually getting into a mental disorder with several physical symptoms thus need medical attention. 


Generally, an anxiety disorder manifests itself in a person in several different ways such as physical and mental apprehension as well as physical symptoms.  Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias are some of different types of anxiety disorder that strike people in different ways.

All anxiety types have their own grounds, symptoms and treatment options. In some cases, people are reported to have developed anxiety disorders because of drug abuse and certain types of medications.

Generalized anxiety of GAD causes individuals to worry about everyday problems. This anxiety type mostly strikes older adults with grown up children. Pale skin, sweating of hands and feet without any other disease and being extremely emotional at the slightest instance are some of the physical manifestations of GAD.

Panic disorders tend to be sudden and unexpected. They can strike anywhere. Mostly, the disorder is characterized by intense fear of anything which accompany with a number of symptoms such as shaking, trembling, excessive sweating, dizziness, increased heart rate, being unable to breathe, etc.

Phobic disorder refers to dread of a person, animal, object or situation. In most cases, anxiety is caused by the fear of meeting the specific situation that may trigger fear in the first place. Sometimes, this dread can be baseless because the actual reaction is totally different than what’s thought earlier.


When it comes to treating anxiety disorders, there are different effective treatment options and therapies to help cope up with the symptoms. Unfortunately, most people with this psychiatric condition find these options complicated and difficult to follow.

According to a latest study, anxiety patients have a critical role in helping researchers formulate effective practices and methods to deal with anxiety disorders. And for that reason, they need to cooperate with their doctors and therapists pursing the therapies and medications.

Most psychologists believe that helping anxiety patients fade out or eliminate negative behavior should be the primary focus of any therapies being used to combat anxiety symptoms. Moreover, they have found that helping individuals with anxiety disorders change certain behaviors in addition to giving them greater agency has come out to be much more effective.

Medications and therapies are the most common treatment options to help individuals handle their symptoms. Antidepressant and anti-anxiety pills such as Etizolam are established form of medicines to treat anxiety disorders while CBT is a most commonly prescribed therapy to handle the mental disorder.