The majestic beauty of a Log Cabin.

What is it about a log cabin? The whole thing just evokes a sense of the outdoors and wood smoke. Whether its fishing for your supper by an adjacent river or cosying up into a blanket whilst the wood burner generates heat there is a strong bond between us and these early habitats.  Some people even want to live in them fulltime and they have been touted as an ideal way of solving our ongoing affordable housing crisis. You may need to seek assistance if you decide to go down this venture and conveyancing solicitor may be the right choice for you.

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The problem is well known to anyone under 40 let alone 25. Getting on to the property ladder is a dream that many will not achieve and the term “Generation Rent” is becoming more and more used to describe young people and their situation. With lower wages and rising student debt and life costs in general, getting enough money saved is becoming virtually impossible. Coupled to that there has been a huge sea change in the mind-set of those in the Silent and Baby Boomer generations who saw home ownership as key to a successful life compared to that of the Generation X, Y and Millennials. They view the travelling or having meaningful life experiences as more important. For Governments however this does pose a problem as because the Baby Boomers wanted to own a home and not rent through a local authority and many Council houses were sold off. The rise of London and the South East house prices to astronomical levels is also to blame.

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However, there is an answer to the problem that many are looking to utilise. This is the idea of building from scratch and a log cabin could be the answer. At £25,000 and upwards and with a life span of up to 100 years a two-bedroom house can be created giving a small family a perfect setting to start a home. The asking price is still not small

but it could be covered by a loan rather than a Mortgage and it is a lot less costly than what a first-time buyer will be asked. It’s not just the young looking at this option, it is also being considered by downsizing retired couples who don’t want to use all the money that they could make from the sale of their old family home once the children have grown up and fled the nest.

Maintenance of these properties is as simple as applying a coating of preservative in 5 yearly cycles as double glazing and insulation come as standard. We’ve been using wood for homes for years, why stop now?