If you feel it is time to spruce up your park home, there are a number of upgrades to consider. Both exterior and interior work can be undertaken, but it is important to leave certain tasks to the professionals.
Exterior upgrades
The exterior cladding, roofing and double glazing can all be upgraded and will make a real difference to the appearance of your park home. It can be helpful to look around and decide what you like the look of. If you currently have an aluminium exterior, this can be changed to vinyl cladding and totally transform the home. As well as improving its appearance, the new cladding will help with insulation, be more weatherproof and will be maintenance free.
You may decide to add decking, a porch or a veranda – all improvements that can add to the value of the home, make it more practical and more appealing to the eye. Extensions and conservatories are also popular improvements with many park home owners.
Upgrading windows and doors is work that should be carried out by professionals. If windows are blown they need replacing, or you may want to install double glazing to conserve heat.
Interior work
Replacing a kitchen or bathroom can make a real difference to your park home and does not have to be too expensive. Many units and appliances are available online. You can view park homes for sale in Bedfordshire and see the newest facilities at http://www.parkhomelife.com if you are considering upgrading. However, buying a new park home is an option and useful guidance is available on the Government’s website.
If you are considering replacing soft furnishings, these can be sourced online and made to measure. The same goes for carpets and curtains, so you can totally transform your park home quite inexpensively.
Replacing the roof
If you have a roof that is worn, installing a new one can make sense. A new pitched roof should add value to your park home as well as giving you confidence in its ability to stand whatever the weather throws at it.
Before undertaking any major alterations you should check that modernisation is actually going to be worthwhile because some parks impose an upper age limit on the units they will accept. You should also consult your insurer in case this is affected by the improvements.