Keep your Garden Safe as the Nights Draw in

As we approach autumn and the nights start to draw in, making the home safer from potential burglars and intruders is something to be aware of. As the hours of darkness increase, so does the potential for burglars to be able to access your property. Your garden in particular is something that you should pay attention to, as gardens are a common route for intruders to take, as there is less chance of being spotted at the back of the house.

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Your boundary is the most important defence that you have from burglars, so if it is looking like it is not very secure, it is time to sort it out. If you have a fence that has seen better days, make the repairs or get a professional like this fencing Gloucester based company to come and do it for you.

Hedges are another thing that provide great protection from burglars – if you opt for the spiky plants like holly and blackthorn these become difficult for burglars to climb through and can act as a great deterrent, as well as a great plant to have in the garden, both to admire yourself and for birds to feed on through the autumn and winter.

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As well as the boundary of the garden, if you have a garden shed ensure that you have secured it well too. Use security lighting as well as good quality locks on the shed to keep burglars away from your tools.