Relationships to Take Care of in Your Business

The key to success in any company is to seek good relationships inside and outside the workplace.

Both in theory and in practice, business has dominantly adopted the motto “The customer is first”. And yes, it is valid. This word is an integral part of most values, missions, and visions of organizations. However, although this is the reason for a business project, there are other relationships that are also vital and deserve careful attention. They are so important that they can favor or affect the growth of the business or even be reflected in our performance with consumers.

Before enumerating these focuses of relationship, I consider it important to point out some characteristics of successful relationships. In the first instance, there must be clarity; Both in terms of expectations, conditions, limits, and scope. Both parties must be perfectly clear how to act on the other.

Also, and above all, ethical treatment must prevail; A cordiality considering that you have another person who deserves kindness, honesty, respect, and attention.

Thirdly, we turn to the so-called win-win binomial, because mutual satisfaction depends on the relationship being fruitful, without marked advantages for one of the participants. Finally, I suggest compliance in form and time with what has been promised.

Let’s see those relationships of weight that will be present in your project and that I consider vital that you protect and feed:

1. Suppliers

Never forget that every business sells and buys; Offer to others and also acquire from others. The experience is lived from both sides, but with a different perspective. Suppliers are important in the short and long term; Of them depends on the resolution of diverse operative and commercial conflicts, to the degree of impact on the financial results.

However, they have become one of the relationships that punish companies the most. This has much evidence. In the first instance, they are conditioned to payment policies that generate disadvantage, that is, not all charge immediately after providing their services. It is common to see that thirty, sixty, ninety or even more than six months after the conclusion of the process are paid.

Another frequent issue in dealing with suppliers occurs when the customer tries to negotiate and (re-negotiate) prices. There will be those who try to express the relationship in favor of greater economic benefit. It is necessary to consider that, in order to win or not to lose a client, a provider can leave its utility in zeros. However, the service or product that you can offer can decay invisibly in your eyes and also the relationship will be significantly hurt.

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Finally, we can cite the case that is sometimes subject to excessive penalties for errors or breaches. A satisfied supplier with your customer can generate various supports that are not included in a contract and that can occasionally save you from different pitfalls. If you manage to have a relationship of trust with them, you can relax your times, give you a more enthusiastic service, favor your prices on your behalf, give priority to your needs, reach out to you in times of crisis, recommend you to open other business opportunities, Refer you talent for your vacancies, among other things. They are part of your business, do not forget. You can also see yourself in the same situation with your customers.

2. Collaborators

They are the ones who must live the same passion that you have for the customers. The formula is simple: If you have a correct working environment, exemplify satisfaction and good treatment of employees, they will certainly pass it on to those who buy you. Otherwise, you will also see the negative results that this entails.

Your employees are the ones who spend the most time with you. They must be your most successful relationship. If they are satisfied, they will help you save, sell more and develop your project.

3. Candidates in the process of selection

It is worth mentioning how important it is, within the selection processes, to have an impeccable treatment and to notify the candidates of the outcome of their process. Your company will have a better image and leave the door open for future relationships if you take the time to inform the decision to those who are not selected to work with you. You may be dealing with future clients or people who become involved in processes outside your business.

4. Ex-employees

When the outcome of an employment relationship occurs, except for extreme cases of dishonesty or aggression, it is always advisable to have a good closing, regardless of the person making the decision to leave.

Sometimes, the same people who no longer belong to your company can continue in the same environment as you, becoming suppliers and even customers. With a good closure I mean to provide a fair and just deal both morally and economically.

5. Government and regulatory authorities

The golden rule in this area is compliance. We refer to standards, codes, payments, and processes. As frequent examples are: fiscal issues, labor regulation, industrial safety issues, to name a few. The best and only way to have a healthy relationship with these entities is to avoid shortcuts and not delay or not fulfill obligations. The point, there is no more.

6. Community in general

Not being in the last place is less important. It represents one of the longest term relationships your business can have and is even a potential source of customers. Caring for the environment, roads, safety, noise and any situation that disturbs the lifestyle of those around you can generate severe conflicts, often legal and economic. Consider this in your decision-making.

The overall suggestion is that you foster a culture that supports and contributes to healthy and ethical relationships in all areas. You can be sure that you will have positive results for your business.