Top Reasons to Invest in the Latest VoIP Solutions

More and more companies are turning to VoIP to facilitate the demands of corporate communication.

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VoIP has certainly gained momentum in recent years, with forecasts predicting it will become a $76.1 billion industry in 2018.

Here is a list of the top reasons to invest in the latest VoIP solutions.

1.      VoIP Is More Cost-Efficient

If your company is still using PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), time on the phone will cost you. Your business will be charged for each minute of the call, with hefty fees incurred for international calls. As VoIP utilises your internet connection, the only cost you will be charged for is your usual internet bill.

2.      VoIP Is Full of Features

During a regular phone call, only two people are able to converse. However, during a call using VoIP, callers from around the globe can join the chat with more than one caller at the same time.

VoIP systems are also now installed with a wide range of call management features such as contact lists, voicemail and caller ID.

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A company specialising in wholesale voice termination such as can offer additional features.

3.      VoIP Enables Tele-Working

Using VoIP, it is possible to turn your home into your office and utilise the data, fax and voice services of your workplace. This makes flexible working a reality and means your business can cater to the changing needs of your staff.

4.      VoIP Is More Than a Voice Service

The underlying protocol of the internet is made of IP (Internet Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). VoIP, Voice Over Internet Protocol, is based on IP and is able to manage a wide range of media types such as text, video, voice and images.

5.      VoIP Handles Bandwidth Efficiently

VoIP efficiently uses bandwidth thanks to silence suppression, a technique used in telephony. Approximately half of a phone conversation is filled with silence, which is a waste during a typical call. VoIP, however, fills this void with data, meaning the bandwidth is not wasted – it is instead directed elsewhere.

6.      VoIP Is Flexible

VoIP can be utilised over a range of networks rather than one specific network and is flexible enough to support different types of communication. VoIP systems require less equipment and are more standardised, making faults less likely.