The technology is generating significant impacts on education : the book as a learning tool so it was at the time, in the same way as chalk and slate had their major impact on the way how teachers taught their students.
Today educational schemes are also changing, technological solutions have caused a major revolution in the way students learn, and by extension the methodology of teaching is also adapting to new motivations and interests.
The incorporation of ICT in schools implies conceiving teaching and learning from new optics, a situation that requires new roles and skills for students and for teachers : students becomes the builder of their own learning and teachers Now have the responsibility to guide the student in this process.

But what are the most important skills in the learning process?
These new optics force us to pay attention and develop skills that a few years ago were not so important. The goal of education has always been to train autonomous individuals able to develop and live in society and today more than ever, we must train people and future professionals with skills to develop in a changing and pluralistic society. Let’s look at some of the most important skills according to Microsoft Classroom:
- Ability to collaborate and work together : In the professional field there are very few works performed individually and in general all projects require collaboration with other professionals so developing this capability is essential. The teamwork allows the generation of knowledge collaboratively facilitates the development of individual skills, promotes problem solving, also respect among peers and cohesion towards the same objective or goal.
- Ability to communicate, present and convince : The oratory is a compulsory subject in some educational systems and builds some of the most useful skills for professional development. During the school years we focus much on developing communication skills but certain oral communication is often second. Knowing express ideas in an orderly and consistent, namely synthesize the information we want to communicate, learn to communicate before an audience dynamic and engaging manner, etc. Are skills that are not always enhanced and have a great importance in the professional field.
- Develop projects and solve complex situations: Designing from start to finish a project, through each of its stages, solving the problems of different areas, etc. It is what will allow our students to become competent professionals. The project work can learn from global way , applying knowledge of different areas and putting into practice very different skills. It is the methodology that will encourage the resolution of real – life situations putting their knowledge into practice coherent and organized manner.
- Promote self – reliance and responsibility: To train self – sufficient is one of the main objectives of education and there is no better way to achieve this than making them competent and able to solve real – life situations people. Propose case studies, make them part of the administration and management of the classroom, enhance peer support, etc. It will allow us to develop self – esteem , self – reliance and responsibility we expect.
- Autonomous knowledge construction and guided discovery: The learning is a process that continues throughout life and for this we must be able to train students to learn to learn . This ability will allow you to build your own knowledge, self-manage the learning process, select the resources you need, overcome your own limits, and so on.
We are living a moment of change and evolution of the way of teaching and learning and the different technological solutions should be at the service of improving education. Currently we receive many solutions both devices , tools , training , resources and support in the management that can help us in this change. More on